
主页 > 兽药资讯 > 行业新闻 > 美国全国性根除PED日期遥远


作者:搜猪网翻译官来源:搜猪网时间:2015-04-24 09:23点击:

  US - Eradication of the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea virus (PEDv) across the US is still unlikely, writes Bruce Cochrane. The executive director of the American Association of Swine Veterinarians Dr Tom Burkgren has said that while producers and veterinarians have demonstrated success in ridding individual swine operations of PED, eradication of the virus on a national scale is still a long way off. Although losses resulting from PED in the United States have fallen dramatically from one year ago, there is still some circulation of the virus. Dr Burkgren said that the diligence with which producers and veterinarians have approached biosecurity has really paid off and, anecdotally, the immune status of the US sow herd has improved from one year ago, but full scale eradication is still a long way off.




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